Monday, September 15, 2014

9/15 Social Studies Facilitators

Workshop agenda and resources:

Set a goal that "Today would be successful if..."

Made a plan for the year:

Made Edits to the Timeline to implementation. FOUND HERE

Created Units tied to new learning goals:

1st Term: Communities and Waves: Light and Sound
2nd Term:  Structure and Function and Sustainability
3rd Term:  Space and Famous People

1- Our Country:  Long Ago and Today (comparing Native American tribal regions to current day)
2-World Regions
3- The U.S. on a Global Scale
(see above resource for learning goals that match each unit)


Building an Economy:

Building a Community:
-Creating trimester ideas for units


Set out to plan future gatherings of the teams:

-bring past and present materials/binders/resources to look through and see what is still usable and can fit into new standards
-meet with building teams and gather ideas and input
-resources/websites for teachers- Ideas for ordering?
-resources for students
-review yearlong plan with science team
develop assessments for communities - bring resources and ask others for ideas
develop assessments and activities for sustainability unit
Continue to develop World Regions unit:
*finish planning day to day activities
*finish research assessment
*find trade books for different countries and websites (to be used for research project)
*create a resources list for materials needed for each lesson
Develop Our Country: Long Ago and Today unit (with help from Staci and Tim)
*plan day to day activities
*develop assessment
*find trade books
*create a list of materials needed for each lesson
The U.S. on a Global Scale
*plan day to day activities
*develop assessment
*find trade books
*create a list of materials needed for each lesson
**Plan authentic learning experiences and speakers for units** (Webster and Wash. University Multicultural Centers)
Complete the reorganization of Units 2 and 3.  Continue to organize necessary resources.  Revise unit assessments.
We are going to meet October 1 and complete first Trimester activities and unit.  Work on Trimester 2 unit(s).  Gather more materials for first Trimester units.

*Materials needed to implement unit one:  
M&Ms, Book-Pancakes Pancakes, Book-Monday on the Mississippi, Dixie Cups, Faux Crown
Continue working on lessons within each of our three units: Explorers/Foundations of America, Westward Expansion, Civil War
Create assessments as we go

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