Accomplishments of the
K-8 Science and Social Studies Program
Science and Social Studies Facilitators
- Established a CORE team (12 science, 10 Social Studies) that met and was paid for their time.
- Established a “Virtual team” to stay in the loop and weigh in on virtual conversations, announcements, etc. (11 Science, 11 Social studies). This is also the group that filled in when someone wasn’t able to attend.
- Met 6 times
- 1. Notes:
- 2. Notes:
- 3. Notes:
- 4. Notes:
- 5. Notes:
- 6. Notes:
- Finished Essentials and Learning goals for our current reality
- Social Studies:
- Science:
- Determined we were not aligned to Grade Level expectations
- Piloted new Kit-sign up system
Science and Social Studies Vertical Team
- Created biannual meetings for Science and Social Studies
- Advertised, facilitated and communicated notes from the meeting to WG-Certified
- Vision for the meetings influenced by participants
Science Program
- Observed Science lessons
- Partnered with Litzsinger Road Ecology Center
- Accompanied Elementary Field trips
- Inspired Hixson Arcade
- Inspired Avery Garden Collaborative
- Inspired GPS unit project in 1st Grade at Hudson
- Digitized resources for access via the district server
- Inventoried science resource assigned to Coordinator:
- Inventoried science resources assigned to district:
- Piloted Discovery Education’s TechBook:
- Created first Draft of K-5 NGSS based units:
- Hosted a NGSS-based regional presentation
- Organized and hosted a 3-day NGSS read and review workshop
- Facilitated 6, 7, 8 full day curriculum workshops
- Presented on Curating a resource vs purchasing textbooks which led to the purchase of devices instead of paper/cardboard.
- Brought in textbook companies to present resource
- Collaboratively planned a unit of study with coordinator at Hixson
- Mentored and reviewed work from WGHS Science Department
- Began partnership with Washington University MySci Program
Social Studies Program
- Observed Social Studies lessons
- Partnered with the Social Studies Network at CSD
- Began dialogue with CECH:
- Inventories social studies resources assigned to coordinator:
- Collaborated with school Librarians to inventory social studies “kits”
- Wrote DRAFT K-5 units based on 08 GLEs:
- Maintained in communication with DESE regarding the development of the C3: College, Career and Civic Life Standards
- Reviewed Draft 2 of the C3 standards
- Met weekly with Assistance Principal supervising Social Studies at WGHS
Office of Sci/SS
- Took a leadership role in the St. Louis Science Leadership Consortium
- Established a Daily Blog to increase transparency:
- Supported Science Classrooms K-8 through Budget items
- Inspired server space for curriculum materials
- Inspired BYOD for staff and conversations about “permission” being with the person and not the device.
- Hosted an Educational Technology Association Meeting
- Led staff development at Edgar Road on Marzano Art and Science Chapters
- Planned and facilitated 2nd and 3rd year teacher meetings
- Presented Grade-Level Meeting dates
- Completed 6 modules of Google Apps for Education, scheduled assessment for the summer
- Led iPad staff development at Bristol
- Organized EdcampSTL
- Judged door decorating
- Toured the district at each Science kit pick up time to check kits
- Supervised Science kit staff
- Attended EdcampSTL, EdcampSGF, EdcampKC, EdcampChicago, METC, ETA meetings, CSD workshop with Ferdi Serim, Cathy Fosnot,
- Used to track completion of tasks:
Estimated days observing classrooms:
School Cumulative Number of Days Spent Observing Learning*Avery 2
Bristol 3.5
Clark 3
Computer School/Steger 2
Edgar Road 2
Hudson 5
TOTAL 17.5
* does not include staff development days, meetings, etc.
Estimated number of days spent outside of district at events/meetings: 8.5
Number of Sick days = 1
Number of personal days = 1
Goals for Next School Year:
Science and Social Studies Facilitators
- Eliminate the team as it currently exists
- Due to the amount of curriculum work that needs to be created/accomplished shift to a focus with greater impact.
- ½ day curriculum workshops for every level K-5
- Keep Core and Virtual team
- Focus on:
- Science – Creating Essentials, Proficiency Scales and Learning experiences K-5 based on the Next Generation Science Standards
- Social Studies – Creating Essentials, Proficiency Scales and Learning experiences K-5 based on the Missouri Social Studies Grade Level Expectations
Science and Social Studies Vertical Team
- Find money to pay representatives to be there.
- Establish representatives from each grade level and continue to invite everyone, similar to PDC model.
- Collaboratively plan agenda with District leadership and Department Chairs
- Meet quarterly, possible agenda items for Science to include:
- Approve/review/revise Essentials and Proficiency scales created K-12
- Share learning experiences
- Develop Mentorship model through identifying expertise
- Prepare for the NGSS shift
- Collaborate around “authentic audiences” for our scientific practices
- Determine In/Out content/skills by grade level
- Reviewing MAP data performance
- What does it mean to experience science?
- Meet quarterly, possible agenda items for Social Studies to include:
- Vertical Creation of Research Skills K-12 (rely on TILS for advice)
- Approve/review/revise Essentials and Proficiency scales created K-12
- Share learning experiences
- Develop Mentorship model through identifying expertise
- Prepare for the C3 shift, should it ever happen
- Collaborate around “authentic problems” for our social studies
- Determine In/Out content/skills by grade level
- Reviewing MAP data performance WGHS implications for all
- What does it mean to be a citizen?
Science Program
- Continue to lead the St. Louis Science Leadership Consortium
- Pilot NGSS based units K-5 for adoption 14-15
- Finalize Essentials and Proficiency Scales K-8 based on NGSS
- Facilitate 3 full-day 6, 7, 8 curriculum workshops
- Facilitate curating process of resources for 7th and 8th grade science
- Determine viability of Discovery Techbook K-5
- Create science “kits” for new units
- Improve Science kits so no sign up is needed
- Promote multidisciplinary thinking about science to increase seat time
- Deepen relationship with Washington University MySci Program
Social Studies Program
- Lead a delegation to the NCSS national conference in St. Louis
- Take up leadership role in Social Studies Network and CECH board
- Planned 3 full-day 6, 7, 8 curriculum workshops
- Pilot 08 GLE units for adoption 14-15
- Finalize Essentials and Proficiency Scales K-8 based on 08 GLEs
- Investigate Discovery TechBook for Social Studies
- Promote multidisciplinary thinking about Social Studies to increase seat time
- Perform a needs assessment
Office of Sci/SS
- Spend ½ day every week in classrooms goal of 30 cumulative days spent in classrooms.
- Become a Google Apps for Education “Qualified Individual”
- Lead Flipped Teaching Workshop beginning January 14
- Leverage Apple Distinguished Educator network for science and social studies experiences that enhance learning.
Report completed by: Chris McGee
You piloted the NGSS did you like it? I'm thinking of trying it out in my classroom. I teach high school chemistry and physics.