Wednesday, January 7, 2015

1/7 ERS

Started the day meeting with a group of teachers interested in learning more about flip teaching.  Here's a resource about flipping to learn more.

Headed over to Edgar Road.

responded to emails.

Met with 4th grade teacher

Attended student problem solving meeting

phone conferences

Canceled 2/26 SS facilitator meeting

Researched iPad 2 cases.

Worked on finding a new Storage solution for the hallways.

Authored STEM TQ email.

Met with Librarian to discuss technology workshops we can offer
Planned a progression of Google Apps
Phase 1:
  1. Gmail
  2. drive
  3. docs
  4. slides
  5. sheets
  6. forms
Phase 2:
  1. Classroom
  2. Calendar
  3. Search
  4. G+/Communities
Phase 3:

  1. Chrome browser
  2. Apps/Extensions
  3. Add-ons
  4. Scripts?

Planned a iPad initial training workshop

Phase 1:

iPad Edgar Road
  1. Anatomy
  2. Care and feeding
  3. Notes
  4. Safari
  5. Multitasking/closing an app
  6. Hooking it up to a projector/smartboard
  7. App Store - process to purchase an App
  8. Camera
Ordered Bagels for Friday's B-fast

Went to measure the display case at Shrewsbury city center

Went to return the T-Shirt Cannon. :-(

Edcamp Foundation google hangout

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